

时间:2024-10-09 05:08:02 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:Google will on Wednesday be accused by Brussels of illegally abusing its dominance of the internet search market in Europe, a step that ultimately could force it to change its business model fundamentally and pay hefty fines.欧盟(EU)将于周三指控谷歌(Google)非法欺诈其在欧洲互联网搜寻市场的主导地位。

Google will on Wednesday be accused by Brussels of illegally abusing its dominance of the internet search market in Europe, a step that ultimately could force it to change its business model fundamentally and pay hefty fines.欧盟(EU)将于周三指控谷歌(Google)非法欺诈其在欧洲互联网搜寻市场的主导地位。此举最后可能会被迫谷歌彻底转变商业模式,并缴纳高额罚金。Margrethe Vestager, the EU’s competition commissioner, is to say that the US group will soon be served with a formal charge sheet alleging that it breached antitrust rules by diverting traffic from rivals to favour its own services, according to two people familiar with the case. The initial charge will focus on product searches where Google is accused of harming other shopping sites, but could be extended to other areas.知情人士回应,欧盟反垄断专员玛格丽特维斯特格(Margrethe Vestager)将不会声称,谷歌将迅速接到月起诉书,指控其违背反垄断法规,将竞争对手的流量分流去反对自身服务。

最初的指控将集中于产品搜寻服务,谷歌被控在搜寻过程中伤害其他购物网站的利益。但这一指控可能会扩展到其他领域。Google confirmed the imminent charges in an internal email sent to staff on Tuesday. “We have a very strong case, with especially good arguments when it comes to better services for consumers and increased competition,” it said in the communication, a copy of which was obtained by the Financial Times.周二,谷歌在发送给员工的一封内部电子邮件中证实将要面对指控。在英国《金融时报》记者看见的这封邮件的拷贝中,谷歌回应:“我们的理由十分充份,特别是在是在以更佳的服务面临消费者、面临日趋白热化的竞争方面,我们的理由更为充份。

”Serving Google with a so-called statement of objections will be the opening salvo in one of the defining antitrust cases of the internet era. It could prove as epic as the decade-long battle with Microsoft that ultimately cost the company 2bn in fines.作为互联网时代具备判例意义的反垄断案之一,该案的第一步将是向谷歌提交所谓“异议声明”(statement of objections)。这一案件或将被证明是与微软公司反垄断案某种程度经典的案例。微软公司反垄断案前后持续了10年,最后令其微软公司缴纳了20亿欧元罚金。The commission’s move comes after a torrid five-year investigation that Google came close to settling without charges last year. The draft deal collapsed after fierce objections were raised by ministers in France and Germany, and by some of the continent’s most powerful telecoms and media groups.在欧盟委员会采行近期措施之前,谷歌曾面对长达5年的调查,去年一度相似达成协议免遭指控的妥协方案。




