
日本奇葩新发明 腋下风扇 告别除臭剂“米乐mile官网”

时间:2024-10-05 05:08:01 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:With summers getting hotter every year, keeping your armpits dry is quite the challenge. While many of use still rely on deodorants, the quirky Japanese have come up with a high-tech alternative worthy of their reputation for crazy inventions – clip-on armpit fans.如今夏天一年比一年热,要维持腋窝干爽是个相当大的挑战。

With summers getting hotter every year, keeping your armpits dry is quite the challenge. While many of use still rely on deodorants, the quirky Japanese have come up with a high-tech alternative worthy of their reputation for crazy inventions – clip-on armpit fans.如今夏天一年比一年热,要维持腋窝干爽是个相当大的挑战。许多人还在倚赖除臭剂,另类的日本人早已想到了一种高科技替代品,一个名副其实的可怕发明者——垫在腋下的风扇。Developed by Japanese gadget maker Thanko, the Waki no Shita Kura (Japanese for Under the Armpit Cooling Device) is a small fan that clips to your sleeve to deliver cooling blasts of air to your armpits.由日本小型装置制造商Thanko研发,Waki no Shita Kura(该腋下降温装置的日语发音)是一个可以垫在袖子上的小风扇,把阵阵凉风刮起你的腋下。The device is powered by three AAA batteries and can keep your armpits nice and dry for five to nine hours, depending on which of the three speeds you use. If you want to stay cool for longer you can connect the fan to your PC or a separately purchased battery pack with the included micro USB cable.该装置由三节AAA电池供电,可以维持腋下五到九小时的干爽,持续时间长短各不相同你对三种风力大小的自由选择。

如果你想要维持更加长时间的干爽,可以将其相连到笔记本电脑上,或者相连到分开出售的蓄电池组上,该电池组包括了数据线。Thanko claims the armpit fans are very light (30g/1 oz) and silent enough to use even in a crowded, so you shouldnt have to worry about attracting unwanted attention with your buzzing armpits.Thanko声称腋下风扇十分轻盈(重30g或1盎司),并且即使在挤迫的人群中用于也充足静音,所以你不用担忧嗡嗡作响的腋窝不会引发不必要的留意。The fan is also very small (60 x 65 x 15mm) and thanks to the clip-on design it can also cool your chest area: just clip it to the front of your shirt and it will keep your torso and neck dry.这个风扇也很迷你(60×65×15mm),而且好在其可夹式设计,它还可以为你的胸部降温:只需将其垫在你的衬衫前面,就能维持躯干和颈部的干爽。Japan Trend Shop has the Thanko Under the Armpit Cooling Device priced at $24, but youll probably need to buy two of them, unless youre planning on alternatively using it on your armpits. So $48 on a device that probably works. Id say deodorant is the safer and cheaper choice, but then again this thing is worth it just for the novelty of it.日本新奇物品商店将Thanko的腋下降温装置定价为24美元,不过你有可能必须卖两个,除非你想在两边的腋下交错用于一个。


When it comes to weird Japanese inventions, Id say the armpit fan is pretty low on the list, at least compared to other wacky inventions weve featured throughout the years. Lets remember this creepy hugging chair for the lonely, the speech jammer that stops people from talking or this creepy facial exercising device that Cristiano Ronaldo wouldnt even use, even though he was supposed to promote it. Oh, and I had almost forgot the Necomimi, wearable cat ears and tail controlled by brainwaves.说道到日本的奇葩发明者,我实在腋下风扇真是是小巫见大巫,最少与我们多年来精选辑的其他雷人发明者比起还算数长时间。让我们回想下:为寂寞者发明者的、令人毛骨悚然的亲吻椅,让人继续大声的弹话枪,或那个可怕的面部磨练神器,即使该为其做到宣传,克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多都不愿用于。




