
天宫一号将再入大气层烧毁 这些问题可能是你关心的“米乐mile官网”

时间:2024-07-17 05:08:01 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:The current best prediction is 1 April (no, this is not an April Fool’s joke).目前最有力的预测是4月1日(这可不是愚人节笑话)。

The current best prediction is 1 April (no, this is not an April Fool’s joke).目前最有力的预测是4月1日(这可不是愚人节笑话)。But again, because of its speed, it could be at least a day either side of that.但是,因为天宫一号在焚毁时正处于高速运转中,也有可能是4月1日的前后两天。

The Aerospace Corporation, a nonprofit organization in the United States, estimated that the re-entry of Tiangong I would occur over Spain, France or Portugal, though an exact location is still hard to pinpoint.美国非营利的组织航空航天公司估算天宫一号有可能在西班牙、法国或葡萄牙境内坠落在,但是明确的地点难以确定。No. The chances of being hit by part of the space station are basically zero.没有适当。被天宫一号的残片打中的可能性完全为零。In terms of size, Tiangong-1 is only the 50th largest spacecraft to come down, and there have been no recorded deaths or injuries from people being struck by debris from any of them.在焚毁的航天器里面,天宫一号的体积仅有分列在第50位,而此前没任何记录表明有人被焚毁的航天器碎片打中并造成死伤。

However, a highly toxic and corrosive substance called hydrazine, which is often used in creating potent rocket fuel, can potentially survive re-entry.然而,坠落在过程中有可能有一种取名为联氨的剧毒腐蚀性物质不会残余在碎片上,这种物质经常被用来生产火箭推进剂。For your safety, do not touch any debris you may find on the ground or inhale vapors it may emit, an online statement released by the space agency said.国家航天局公布的网上公告称之为:“为了安全性起见,请求不要触碰地上的航天器碎片,也不要排出碎片弥漫的气体。

”It was launched unmanned but was designed to be habitable, to test docking with other craft, and to be used for conducting experiments.天宫一号升空的时候没载人,但是设计想法是可载人的,用来测试与其他飞船接入并展开一系列实验。Tiangong I had completed six space rendezvous and docking missions with three visiting spacecraft. The first visit was by an unmanned spacecraft called Shenzhou VIII in November 2011, as part of Chinas first space docking mission.天宫一号早已已完成了6次空间交会,并和3艘飞船构建了接入。第一次接入是在2011年11月与神舟八号无人飞船接入,这也是中国首次太空接入任务的一部分。The second and third missions were both manned: Shenzhou IX in June 2012 and Shenzhou X in June 2013. Both manned missions had three astronauts and lasted about two weeks, during which the astronauts tested the stations various systems and living conditions.第二次和第三次接入任务都是载人交会接入任务,分别是在2012年6月与神舟九号接入,以及在2013年6月与神舟十号接入。




