
“米乐mile官网”看三星的S6和iPhone 6有多像

时间:2024-07-15 05:08:01 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:Once the titan of global smartphone sales, Samsung is looking to retake its throne after Apple made inroads with its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. On Sunday, in a room filled with technology journalists in Barcelona, Samsung used the 2015 installment of Mobile World Congress to announce the latest models of its Galaxy line of smartphones: the S6 and S6 Edge.三星一度曾是全球智能手机销量的霸主,在苹果凭借iPhone 6和6 plus强势榨取了不少用户后,此番三星再度携同新品汹汹而来,力图夺取王座。

Once the titan of global smartphone sales, Samsung is looking to retake its throne after Apple made inroads with its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. On Sunday, in a room filled with technology journalists in Barcelona, Samsung used the 2015 installment of Mobile World Congress to announce the latest models of its Galaxy line of smartphones: the S6 and S6 Edge.三星一度曾是全球智能手机销量的霸主,在苹果凭借iPhone 6和6 plus强势榨取了不少用户后,此番三星再度携同新品汹汹而来,力图夺取王座。上周日在记者云集的巴赛罗纳2015年世界移动通信大会上,三星公布了Galaxy系列手机的近期力作:Galaxy S6和S6 Edge。

Both devices take the Galaxy line in a completely new direction, and on multiple fronts. The most apparent change, at least the first time you lay eyes on the duo, is the noticeable lack of plastic formerly synonymous with Samsung smartphones. With the S6 lineup, Samsung opted to go with a combination of metal and a glass housing.从多个方面看,这两款手机都将Galaxy系列产品推向了一个全新的方向。最醒目的变化(最少是你一次看见这两款手机的时候),是三星手机的“万年大塑料”不知了,三星为S6系列产品首次配有了“金属+玻璃”的材质人组。The S6 Edge features a curved display on both edges of the screen, offering enhanced functionality. (An on-stage demonstration showed custom color alerts for incoming calls, and shortcuts to favorite contacts). A revamped fingerprint sensor sits below the home button, foregoing the need for a user to swipe her or her finger across the button. Instead, he or she only needs to place a finger on the button and wait for the scan to complete. The change makes the experience nearly identical to that of Apple’s Touch ID, and appears to eliminate a complaint I had about last year’s Galaxy S5.S6 Edge首次在屏幕左右两边都使用了曲面屏设计,在功能性上有所提高。(在舞台展示环节中,当有电话呼入时,曲面屏会表明自定义的颜色警告,另外从曲面屏可以快捷转入常用联系人)。

Home键下映射了一颗经过升级的指纹传感器,使用户需要像S5那样扫屏关卡指纹,而是只需将手指放到Home键上等候扫瞄已完成才可,用于的感觉完全和苹果的Touch ID一模一样,从而再一萌生了我一年前对Galaxy S5指纹识别功能的责怪。Sure to disappoint Samsung loyalists, the South Korean company ditched two features long used to mock Apple’s AAPL 0.49% iPhone: expandable storage and a replaceable battery. Looking beyond the aesthetic changes are a faster processor, higher-quality camera, curved display, and wireless charging capabilities.令其不少心目中三星粉深感沮丧的是,这次三星舍弃了历年来被三星粉用来取笑苹果的两项“矮小上”的技能,才可拓展内存和可替换电池。除了审美层面的变化外,S6还配有了更慢的处理器、更高质量的摄像头、曲面屏以及无线充电功能。

There are two features that have made the new Galaxy models more alluring to me than previous editions. The first is called Samsung Pay. The company’s mobile payment solution takes a two-pronged approach by combining a near-field communication (NFC) chip with the magnetic secure-transmission technology it acquired from LoopPay to transmit payment information between your device and a point-of-sale terminal.S6有两个新功能,使它比以前的Galaxy手机对我更加有吸引力。其一是所谓的“三星缴纳”功能,该方案采行了双管齐下的缴纳方法,一是构建一块将近场通讯芯片,二是构建了三星从LoopPay公司并购的电磁安全性传输技术,确保了S6需要与销售点终端系统传输缴纳信息。

When I reviewed LoopPay last year, I found the technology to be magical, yet disappointing. I was forced to carry around and manage yet another device. The promise behind mobile payments is convenience; the LoopPay fob was not convenient. A quick refresher: You hold the LoopPay fob up to a normal credit card reader, press a button and the machine would interpret the signal in the same manner it would a card being swiped. The payment was then processed, without the machine—and often time the clerk—realizing you did anything different.去年评测LoopPay的时候,我找到它是一项神秘的技术,但在或许上也令人沮丧,因为我得随时带着另一台设备,并且还得管理它。移动支付的前景在于它的便利性,而LoopPay配件意味著过于便捷。当你拿着LoopPay配件相似一台普通的信用卡读卡器并按下按钮时,机器理解LoopPay信号的方式只不过与扫瞄一张普通信用卡没什么有所不同。

不要说道读卡器,就连结账的售货员都没意识到有什么区别。Now that that technology is embedded into the device and combined with the ability to use NFC for payments, Samsung Pay is very appealing. And it has a leg up on Apple Pay, which is limited to working only at retail locations and outlets with the necessary equipment to process NFC payments. (This is a drawback I experienced first-hand when I tried to go a week using Apple Pay for every purchase in my small, Colorado town.)现在这项技术被映射到Galaxy S6中,而且与NFC缴纳技术展开了统合,使三星缴纳功能显得十分有吸引力。

它在技术上领先了苹果的Apple Pay一步,因为后者不能在反对NFC缴纳的零售场所和终端用于。(这也是我亲身体验的Apple Pay的一个缺点。当时我曾试着在科罗拉多的一个小镇单凭Apple Pay出售一周的所有用品。

)With Samsung Pay, users won’t be caught in the middle of a spat between competing payment platforms as Apple is with the likes of CVS completely disabling NFC terminals. So go right ahead, CVS, disable NFC. The Galaxy S6 has a trick up its sleeve.有了三星缴纳,用户就不必再行为了Apple Pay和CVS不反对NFC那点事儿打口水战了。所以CVS想反对NFC竟然它不反对吧,Galaxy S6另有一套绝活对付你呢。

Another thing: Each year when Samsung would announce the latest Galaxy device, it would announce a slew of new software-based features that served little purpose. Having a smartphone watch my eyes, then scroll a webpage or pause a video based on where I’m looking? No thanks. The “enhancements” slowed down the device, drained the battery, and offered little benefit to the end user. In other words, they served only to pad the spec sheet.另一件事:每年三星发售新款Galaxy手机时,都会偷偷地公布一大堆基本上没什么用的软件功能(比如眼球跟踪什么的)。这些所谓的“变革”不会让设备速度减慢,而且也是耗电量大户,且为终端用户获取没法什么福利。换句话说,它的意义就仅限于纸面上。

With this year’s release, Samsung cut the fat, at least with regard to its proprietary user interface known as TouchWiz. Any unnecessary menus or overzealous prompts were left out, it seems. The litany of excess apps notoriously preinstalled on the Galaxy line has been removed. All in all, the company claims to have cut down so-called software bloat by 40 percent, and the phones now include only a trio of Microsoft apps and select Samsung apps (S Health and Milk, Samsung’s music service). At least, until wireless carriers get a hold of it.在今年的发布会中,三星把这些东西都删掉了,最少在它的TouchWiz界面中,奇特所有不必要的菜单和过分热心的提醒都不知了。Galaxy手机向来恶评如潮的大量笔记本电脑软件也不知了踪影。总而言之,三星称之为已将这些多余软件删改了40%,目前手机上只笔记本电脑了微软公司的“三件套”和一些精选辑三星应用于(比如S身体健康和三星的音乐服务Milk等)——最少在运营商往里掺入他们那些玩意儿之前是这样。

For years, Samsung’s flagship phones have been long on features, but short on follow-through—at least to me. The new Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge appear to lay the groundwork for a lineup of devices that are quite the opposite.多年以来,三星的旗舰手机仍然是精于功能,较短于第一时间——最少在我看来是这样。而近期的Galaxy S6和S6 Edge则代表了三星开始自由选择另一条道路,并为以后的一系列机型奠下了道路。



