

时间:2024-07-05 05:08:03 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:Pink Floyd isnt the only one singing about the dark side of the moon now–China is too.平克·弗洛伊德不是唯一一个能演唱出有月之暗面的,现在中国也可以。

Pink Floyd isnt the only one singing about the dark side of the moon now–China is too.平克·弗洛伊德不是唯一一个能演唱出有月之暗面的,现在中国也可以。The country last night was able to successfully land its Change-4 spacecraft on the part of the moon that Earth.昨晚,中国的嫦娥四号飞船顺利登月,迫降在地球上看到的一面,此前没其他飞船抵达过的地方。The ship was launched in early December and has been orbiting around the space mass for weeks in preparation for the “dark side” landing. According to the state news source Xinhua, the Change-4 successfully landed on the Von Karman crater.这艘在12月初升空的飞船,最近几周都在环游太空,为“月之暗面”降落做到打算。

据新华社官方消息,嫦娥四号顺利迫降在冯·卡曼撞击坑内。Already, Xinhua has released a picture showing the world what this section of the moon looks like. The image shows a barren, golden surface with a large recess in view.新华社早已公布了图片,向世界展出月球背面的样子。

我们能看见图像中荒芜的黄色表层和一个大凹槽。Change-4 lunar probe lands on largest crater in solar system. The precise landing will help prepare China for its following lunar exploration and future expeditions to other planets.嫦娥四号探测器降落在太阳系仅次于的火山口。

这次的精准降落将协助中国为接下来的月球探寻和未来对其他星球的观测打下基础。— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) January 3, 2019——新华社2019年1月3日报导The landing has captivated the world, even catching the eye of Elon Musk who tweeted a congratulatory note to China.这次降落更有了全世界的目光,甚至引发了埃隆·马斯克的留意,他在推特上向中国表示祝贺。This mission is just one part of Chinas growing space exploration ambitions. A few years ago, the country sent a craft to explore other parts of the moon.此次飞行中任务只是中国大大快速增长的太空探寻宏伟目标的一部分。

几年前中国升空了一艘飞船去探寻月球的其他部分。This latest Change-4 mission, writes Xinhua, intends to “provide firsthand data and clues for the evolution of the moon, earth and solar system.” China also says that it intends to launch missions to explore other planets as well.新华社写到,最近的这次嫦娥四号飞行中任务目的“为月球、地球和太阳系的进化研究获取第一手数据和线索”。




