

时间:2024-07-03 05:08:04 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:Volkswagen stepped up its attempts to claw back consumer trust in the US by offering customers involved in the emissions scandal $1,000 in gift cards, as further details emerged of the remedy required to fix affected cars.大众汽车(Volkswagen)增大了在美国挽救消费者信任的希望,向尾气不实丑闻波及的顾客派发价值1000美元的礼品卡。

Volkswagen stepped up its attempts to claw back consumer trust in the US by offering customers involved in the emissions scandal $1,000 in gift cards, as further details emerged of the remedy required to fix affected cars.大众汽车(Volkswagen)增大了在美国挽救消费者信任的希望,向尾气不实丑闻波及的顾客派发价值1000美元的礼品卡。大众为修缮不受影响汽车而须要展开的解决问题工作的更好细节正在浮出水面。The company’s American unit on Monday said owners of 2L diesel models made by VW and Audi would qualify for two $500 gift cards — one a pre-paid Visa card for use in any store and another for VW vehicles, parts or services. Drivers will also be eligible for free breakdown cover for three years.周一,大众美国分部回应,大众(VW)和奥迪(Audi)所产2升至排量柴油车的车主,将有资格获得两张面值500美元的礼品卡,其中一张是可在任何商家用于的预付Visa卡,另一张可出售大众的汽车、零部件或服务。

车主还可免费享用三年的车辆故障保险。VW described the move — which is expected to cost about $500m — as a “first step” towards shoring up consumer confidence almost two months after it emerged that it had cheated on US emissions tests for diesel vehicles.大众把此举——预计斥资大约5亿美元——叙述为强化消费者信心的“第一步”。约两个月前,大众柴油车在美国尾气检测上不实一事被曝光。

The scandal spread last week to include some upmarket VW group models, such as 3L engine Porsches, as well as other diesel and petrol models affected by a separate revelation over “irregularities” in carbon dioxide tests.上周,大众尾气不实丑闻更进一步蔓延到,该集团的部分豪车(比如3升至排量的保时捷(Porsche))以及其他柴油车和汽油车也被涉及进来。这些柴油车和汽油车是在一项针对二氧化碳废气检测“违规行为”的调查中被曝光的。



