

时间:2024-05-15 05:08:02 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:A Chinese biotechnological company announced on Sunday it has developed the worlds first 3D blood vessel bio-printer, which makes it possible to produce personalized functional organs.本周日,中国的一家生物技术公司宣告,它早已研发出有了世界上第一台3D血管生物打印机,这使得生产个体功能器官沦为有可能。

A Chinese biotechnological company announced on Sunday it has developed the worlds first 3D blood vessel bio-printer, which makes it possible to produce personalized functional organs.本周日,中国的一家生物技术公司宣告,它早已研发出有了世界上第一台3D血管生物打印机,这使得生产个体功能器官沦为有可能。Sichuan Revotek Co., Ltd. based in Chengdu, capital of southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, said the significant breakthrough has been achieved through its self-developed stem cell bio-ink technology, 3D bio-printer and cloud computing platform.坐落于中国西南部四川省省会成都的四川Revotek公司称之为,通过公司自己研发的干细胞生物相连技术、3D生物打印机和云计算平台,3D血管生物打印机这一具备划时代的意义的技术突破早已已完成。The creative breakthrough in the 3D blood vessel bio-printing means we have mastered the stem cell-based 3D bio-printing technology, said Yang Keng, chairman of Sichuan Languang Development Co., Ltd. Revotek is a subsidiary of Sichuan Languang.四川蓝光发展公司主席杨铿说道,“这一具备创新性的3D血管印刷机的发明者,意味著我们早已掌控了干细胞为基础的3D生物打印机技术”。

Revotek是四川蓝光集团的子公司。Blood vessels that transport nutrients to organs are indispensable elements when creating any organs, according to James Kang, an expert who led the program.据领导该项目的专家James Kang说道,当建构任何器官的时候,向各器官载运营养物质的血管是必不可少的。

Kangs team has created a novel type of bio-ink - Biosynsphere, whose primary goal is the personalized stem cell bio-printing to pave the way for organ regeneration.康的研发团队早已建构了一个新的生物链接模式- Biosynsphere,这一链接模式的首要目标是个体干细胞生物打印机,以便器官再造。We have successfully realized the blood vessel regeneration by relying on the 3D bio-printer, the biosynsphere technology and the data model based on cloud computing, he said.他说道,“我们早已顺利地通过倚赖3D打印机,biosynsphere技术和云计算基础上的数据模型构建了血管再造。”The company said it is willing to absorb more talent and seek international cooperation for the application of the achievements.公司很不愿吸取更好的人才并且谋求国际公司来应用于这一成就。



