
‘米乐mile官网’习大大访英 中兴AXON旗舰手机做国礼

时间:2024-05-04 05:08:03 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:Chinese tech company ZTEs new flagship Axon will reportedly be presented as one of the official gifts to the British government during the four-day visit of President Xi Jinping to the United Kingdom, according to tech website gsmarena.com.据英国科技网gsmarena网报导,在中国国家主席习近平在英国国事访问期间,中国中兴科技公司的新款旗舰机Axon将作为国礼赠送给英方。

Chinese tech company ZTEs new flagship Axon will reportedly be presented as one of the official gifts to the British government during the four-day visit of President Xi Jinping to the United Kingdom, according to tech website gsmarena.com.据英国科技网gsmarena网报导,在中国国家主席习近平在英国国事访问期间,中国中兴科技公司的新款旗舰机Axon将作为国礼赠送给英方。It will be presented as a gift, a spokesman of the company confirmed with China Daily about the report. ZTE has a history of being given as a gift to world leaders.该公司一位发言人向中国日报证实此消息,“中兴Axon天机将沦为国礼”。中兴手机作为礼物被赠送给国家领导并非第一次。

According to the spokesman, AXON was used by delegates during President Xis visit to the United States in September. A year earlier, President Xi gave ZTEs devices as state gifts to officials in Tajikistan. During the same month, former US President Jimmy Carter was presented with a ZTE device during his visit to ZTEs Shanghai RD Center. This year, ZTEs AXON devices have been given as gifts to Serbian President Tomislav Nikoli?, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovinas tripartite Presidency Dragan Covic, and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe.该发言人称之为,Axon天机是习主席9月访华期间随访团的登录用机。一年前,习近平采访塔吉克斯坦期间向代表们赠送给了中兴手机。


During a state visit to Germany in March 2014, Chinas first lady Peng Liyuan was seen using a ZTE Nubia Z5 Mini.2014年3月,第一夫人彭丽媛随习近平采访德国期间用于的是中兴努比亚z5手机。AXON being given as a state gift is recognition of ZTE as one of Chinas top smart phone manufacturers, as the gift must meet the highest standards in terms of quality and innovation in order to be presented, said the spokesman.发言人回应,“Axon天机沦为官方赠送给礼物,是对中兴作为中国仅次于智能手机制造商之一的接纳。作为国礼,必需在质量和创意方面超过最低标准”。

The device includes dual track -- high fidelity sound recording and playback, as well as dual rear-cameras that capture high resolution images and videos. The phone is recognized as the worlds first smart phone that can be unlocked with three different biometric authentication options-- fingerprint, voice control and eye-scan.手机还包括“双声迹”高保真录音及音频功能,以及双后置摄像头,能捕猎高分辨率的图像和视频。这款手机是全球首部集“指纹、声纹、眼纹”3种生物识别于一体的智能手机。The flagship AXON won the User Experience Gold Award at the IFA 2015, known as one of the worlds largest consumer electronics fair held annually in Berlin.旗舰智能机Axon天机在2015年柏林国际消费电子展获得“用户体验金奖”,国际消费电子展是全球仅次于的消费类电子产品博览会。

ZTEs products are among the cheaper phones of choice at three of the big four US carriers. The company is quietly becoming a force in the US by selling good-enough phones at low prices, according to Bloomberg.据彭博网报导,中兴产品在美国四大运营商中的三家都是归属于较低廉的产品,中兴以其产品的高性价比,于是以悄悄占有一定的美国市场份额。The company announced Thursday that it is launching a 64GB model of the ZTE Axon Pro in the US market. ZTE has been described by zdnet.com as one that listens openly to feedback and quickly responds to consumers.周四,中兴宣告将在美国市场发售64GB型号的Axon天机。至顶网叙述中兴为公开发表征询消费者对系统并较慢对此解决问题的公司。According to consulting company Strategy Analytics, the US was the best-performing overseas market for ZTE last year. Shipments of its devices rose in the high double digits, even as competitors shipments were flat or lower, the research firm said. ZTE had 20 million active users in the US as of Dec 31.根据咨询公司Strategy Analytics数据,去年中兴在美国市场的展现出不错,是展现出最差的海外市场。

其产品出货量的增长速度低约两位数,而竞争对手的出货量持平或较之更加较低。截至去年年底12月31日,中兴在美活跃用户约2000万ZTE claimed about 8 percent of Americas smart phone market in the second quarter of this year, said the US market research firm International Data Corporation. That ranks the company fourth among smart phone makers overall in the US market, behind Apple, Samsung and LG.美国市场研究所国际数据公司回应,“中兴通讯在今年第二季度声称占有美国智能手机市场的8%份额左右”,在苹果、三星和LG之后名列第四。

ZTE said that over the next three years ZTE will continue to prioritize its superpower markets --China and US markets, while increasing its investment in 13 of its key markets worldwide.中兴通讯回应,在未来三年内,中兴通讯将之后优先考虑到中国和美国两个大国市场,而在全球范围内减少13个主要市场的投资。By 2020, ZTE aims to rank among the top three smart phone manufacturers in its key markets.中兴通讯的目标是,到2020年在其主要市场挤身前三大智能手机制造商。



