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时间:2024-04-01 05:08:02 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:A prestigious scientific organisation has descended into infighting over a decision to invite Elizabeth Holmes, founder of blood-testing group Theranos, to deliver a presentation at its annual conference this week, with at least two members of the association threatening to resign.一个久负盛名的科学的组织陷于内斗,症结是邀验血集团Theranos创始人伊丽莎白霍姆斯(Elizabeth Holmes)在该的组织本周举办的年会上公开发表演说的要求。

A prestigious scientific organisation has descended into infighting over a decision to invite Elizabeth Holmes, founder of blood-testing group Theranos, to deliver a presentation at its annual conference this week, with at least two members of the association threatening to resign.一个久负盛名的科学的组织陷于内斗,症结是邀验血集团Theranos创始人伊丽莎白霍姆斯(Elizabeth Holmes)在该的组织本周举办的年会上公开发表演说的要求。最少两名协会成员威胁要请辞。

The American Association for Clinical Chemistry invited Ms Holmes to deliver a 90-minute talk in front of 3,000 scientists on Monday night despite protests from some scientists responsible for organising the conference, who argued that a series of damaging scandals at Theranos should disqualify the company.美国临床化学协会(American Association for Clinical Chemistry)邀霍姆斯在周一晚向3000名科学家公开发表90分钟的演说,尽管一些负责管理的组织会议的科学家提出抗议,他们主张,Theranos传出的一系列丑闻应该使该公司丧失资格。Ms Holmes had been expected to use the session to present scientific data in defence of her company’s proprietary blood-testing technology, including a tiny finger-prick vial or “nanotainer” that she claims can generate accurate test results without traditional needles or venous draws.此前人们曾预计,霍姆斯将利用本次会议陈述涉及科学数据,为她的公司专有的验血技术申辩,还包括“Nanotainer”指尖采血小瓶子。

她声称,仅有这点血液就不足以产生准确的检验结果,而需要传统的针头或静脉注射。However, Ms Holmes, whose company is under Federal criminal investigation, sidestepped past controversies and used her appearance to unveil a completely new machine, the MiniLab, which she said could enable small samples of blood to be analysed remotely using cloud computing.然而,其公司于是以受到联邦刑事调查的霍姆斯,在会上规避了过往的争议,而是利用这一露面机会展出一款全新的机器,称作MiniLab。她声称,利用云计算,用这台机器可以对少量血液样本展开远程分析。Theranos earned plaudits for the nanotainer when it launched in 2013 but in recent months the company has been tarnished by damaging revelations over the limitations of its technology, culminating in Ms Holmes being banned from the industry for two years.Theranos的nanotainer在2013年发售后曾夺得赞誉,但在最近数月,该公司的声誉受到伤害,原因是有爆料称之为,其技术不存在种种局限性。

这一丑闻最后造成霍姆斯面对在两年内不得享有或掌理这一行业实验室的禁令。She was handed the ban after a government inspection of one of the company’s labs concluded that erroneous results had put patient lives at risk.对她的禁令施行之前,政府部门对该公司实验室之一的检查得出结论:错误结果使患者的生命正处于危险性之中。Several scientists on the committee responsible for organising the meeting opposed the decision to invite Ms Holmes fearing it would lend credibility to her company, while others decided to boycott the presentation in protest. They believe the association invited Ms Holmes in order to generate publicity.会议的组织委员会的多名科学家赞成邀霍姆斯,担忧这将给她的公司带给不理应的可信度,而还有一些人要求杯葛霍姆斯的演说报以抗议。他们指出,协会邀霍姆斯是为了抹黑。

Dr Andy Hoofnagle, a member of the organising committee, said he and several of his colleagues had “fought really hard to prevent” Ms Holmes from appearing but were overruled by Patricia Jones, the AACC president. “This conference is about peer reviewed science — you don’t bring in advertisers and give them the stage at a scientific meeting,” said Dr Hoofnagle.组委会成员安迪胡夫纳格尔博士(Dr Andy Hoofnagle)回应,他和他的几个同事“知道尽了相当大希望制止”霍姆斯来,但他们的意见被美国临床化学协会主席帕特里夏琼斯(Patricia Jones)驳回了。“这场会议展出的是经过同行评议的科学——你无法把广告商找来,让他们攀上一个科学会议的舞台,”胡夫纳格尔博士回应。Ms Jones defended the AACC’s decision to invite Theranos to speak and said that the leadership of the association had the right to determine who should appear.琼斯申辩了美国临床化学协会邀霍姆斯讲话的要求,称之为协会领导层有权要求谁应当上台讲话。



