

时间:2024-03-19 05:08:04 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:Documentary Tells of Last Astronaut to Walk on Moon纪录片探讨最后的登月宇航员In 1972, Eugene Cernan and two fellow astronauts began what would become the last mission to the moon, Apollo 17.在1972年,尤金·塞尔南作为队长,与另外两名宇航员一起搭乘阿波罗17号宇宙飞船,开始了最后一次登月之旅。

Documentary Tells of Last Astronaut to Walk on Moon纪录片探讨最后的登月宇航员In 1972, Eugene Cernan and two fellow astronauts began what would become the last mission to the moon, Apollo 17.在1972年,尤金·塞尔南作为队长,与另外两名宇航员一起搭乘阿波罗17号宇宙飞船,开始了最后一次登月之旅。On December 14, 1972, after scratching his daughter’s initials in the lunar dust and setting up a remote camera, he stepped into the lunar lander and left the moon.在当年的12月14日,尤金·塞尔南在月球表面的尘埃中写自己女儿名字的简写,架好遥控照相机,之后之后转入登月舱,离开了月球。

Cernan assumed someone else would go back but, in his view, the U.S. space program then took a wrong turn.塞尔南当时指出未来不会有人再度前往,但是他说道,美国的空间项目其后之后步入错误的航道。“There is no space program,” he said — a situation he finds disappointing. “We cannot even put an American in space on a made-in-America piece of hardware to go to our own space station.”“几乎没涉及的空间项目在运营。

”塞尔南对现状深感十分失望。他说道:“我们甚至无法用一个显美国建的发射器,将一个美国人送到我们自己的空间站。”Cernan went to Austin, Texas, last week to the annual South by Southwest film festival to help promote a film about him, aptly called The Last Man on the Moon.塞尔南回到奥斯汀协助宣传这部关于自己的电影,该片恰如其分地被命名为:月球上的最后一人。

The film tells of a time in the 1960s and early 1970s when the United States was launching men into space every few months. It mixes archival footage of a young Cernan with shots of the older man of today, revisiting sites associated with his space adventure.这部电影总结了二十世纪六十至七十年代美国经常性地将宇航员送到太空的光景。有顺利,也有痛苦。塞尔南回忆说,家人为了反对他的事业代价很多。There is triumph, but also sadness, as Cernan recalls the cost his family paid for his all-out commitment to his career.电影将档案资料中年长塞尔南的影像与如今年老的他拜访当年飞船的镜头剪辑在一起。

Director Mark Craig said it was not hard getting frank, honest comments from Cernan.影片的编剧马克·克雷格说道,从塞尔南那里获得坦率真诚的意见并不艰难。“Luckily for us, Gene is a very articulate character anyway, and so he was able to express his own feelings and emotions,” Craig said.克雷格说道,“对我们而言最幸运地的是,塞尔南健谈的性格使他需要充份传达自己的情绪和感觉。

”Cernan knows his days in space are over, but he hopes others will follow up on what he and his fellow astronauts started. “All weve got to do is inspire those young kids and give them the opportunity that someone gave myself and all my colleagues,” he said.塞尔南告诉他的太空生涯早就完结,但是他期望有后来人需要之后他和同伴们所首创的事业。他说道:“我们必须做到的就是希望年轻人,给他们一样的、当年我和我的同事所取得的机会。”And what does it take to be a space explorer?要沦为一名宇宙探索者,必须哪些特质呢?“If you believe that what you are doing throughout life is the right thing to do and you are willing to take the challenge and accept the risk to get it done, he said, you have what I call the right stuff. ”塞尔南说道, “如果你坚信你毕生专门从事的事情是准确的,你就不愿拒绝接受挑战、承担风险,我指出这就是必须的特质。

”And he hopes The Last Man on the Moon helps spread that message.他期望电影《月球上的最后一人》需要传播这个信息。



