

时间:2024-03-02 05:08:02 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:The next iPhone could have an invisible fingerprint sensor, according to a new patent.根据一项新的专利,iPhone 8有可能用于“隐形”指纹传感器。

The next iPhone could have an invisible fingerprint sensor, according to a new patent.根据一项新的专利,iPhone 8有可能用于“隐形”指纹传感器。Yesterday, Apple was granted a patent for acoustic fingerprint imaging technology that would be invisible and live under the devices screen.It would recognize a fingerprint by acoustic output and be accurate enough to replace the current Touch ID system.昨天,苹果公司取得一项声学指纹光学技术专利,辨识装置需要藏于手机屏幕下面。它需要通过声输入辨识指纹,辨识十分准确,可以代替现有的指纹识别系统(Touch ID系统)。

Its unclear if Apple plans to implement the new technology into upcoming devices, but it has long been rumored the firm would be using a sub-screen fingerprint scanner on the iPhone 8.苹果否不会将该技术运用于将要问世的iPhone 8上现在还无法确认。但早就有传闻称之为iPhone 8有可能用于子屏幕指纹扫描器。

The new device will be unveiled on September 12 at the new Steve Jobs Theater.新的iPhone将于9月12日在史蒂夫?乔布斯会堂公布。Other reports have said Apple is scrapping the fingerprint-sensing technology all together in favor of facial recognition; however, its possible both would be included.其他报导称之为,为了反对面部辨识功能,苹果公司将退出所有指纹识别功能;但也有可能同时保有这两个功能。A new leak out today has also suggested Apples iPhone 8 will see the replacement of the smartphones classic home button with gesture controls.今天刚刚释放出的消息回应iPhone 8的经典home键将被手势掌控功能代替。

Users will simply swipe their hands above the device for tasks such as going to the main app grid and opening multitasking.用户只要在手机上划屏来启动各项任务,还包括返回主菜单和关上多任务页面。The leaks also reveal that Apples flagship device will have rounded corners and a flat screen that covers the front, Bloomberg reports.根据彭博社(Bloomberg)的报导,这款旗舰手机的屏幕为圆角平板屏幕,覆盖面积整个手机正面。Apple plans to introduce a stainless steel band around the phone which the glass curves into, much like the casing used for the iPhone 4 and 4S.苹果公司计划使用不锈钢边框和曲线玻璃面板,与 iPhone 4 和 4S的机壳极为相近。Confirming past rumours, images of the device viewed by Bloomberg and people familiar with the gadget show Apple will release three iPhones next month.过去的谣言都是知道——根据彭博公布的iPhone 8图片和知情人的消息,苹果公司将不会在下个月公布3款iPhone手机。

One of these new models, a new high-end device packs in enough changes to make it one of the biggest iPhone updates in the product’s decade-long history, Bloomberg reports.彭博社报导称之为,其中一款高端的新机型早已展开了相当大的改动,是苹果手机公布十年以来仅次于一次改动。In place of a home button on the iPhone 8, a thin, software bar will stretch across the bottom of the screen.iPhone 8有一条操作者条跨越屏幕底部,借以代替home键。This bar can be dragged to the top of the screen to open the iPhone, while users can initiate multitasking using a similar gesture while an app is open.将该操作者条停放在屏幕顶部可以关卡手机。而且在用于某应用于时,用户也可以通过类似于的手势关上多任务页面。

To close the app and go back to the home screen, users can continue flicking the bar upwards.再行向下拖操作者条,可以重开应用于并返回主菜单。Images show that the multitasking screen has been redesigned to appear as a series of swipeable cards rather than the stack seen on current iPhones.图片表明多任务页面为纵向排序的卡片形式而非现有的重合卡片形式。The iPhone 8 will have a cut-out at the top of the display for sensors and a camera, as well as a taller screen with rounded edges.iPhone 8的屏幕较先前几款更长,为圆形边缘,在顶端有一个切口用来装置传感器和摄像头。

The iPhone 8 will have an OLED screen that is slightly larger than that of the iPhone 7 Plus (5.5), but the device itself will be similar to the iPhone 7, people familiar with the phone told Bloomberg.理解iPhone 8的人告诉他彭博社,iPhone 8的屏幕为OLED屏幕,比iPhone 7 Plus(5.5英寸)略为大。但是整个机身却比iPhone 7要小。The firm is not moving to curved screens like the latest Samsung models, instead favouring a flat screen like current and past iPhones, the report says.报导称之为,苹果公司会将iPhone 8的屏幕改回三星近期机型那样的曲屏,而是沿用像以往iPhone那样的平面屏幕。Symmetrical, slim bezels will cover the entirety of the devices front, cutting off the areas where the home button and ear piece sit on current iPhone models.手机的正面覆盖面积有粗壮平面的边框,将现有机型的home键和听筒的方位截断。

The front-facing camera, earpiece and facial-recognition sensor are instead housed in a small notch at the top of the screen, the image show.从图片可以显现出,iphone 8的前置摄像头、听筒和脸部辨识感应器都加装在屏幕顶部的切口内。Apple has opted to not hide the notch area at the top of the screen, showing a definitive cutout at the top of apps with non-black backgrounds, Bloomberg reports.“苹果公司不将屏幕顶部的切口区域隐蔽一起,在非黑色背景下用于app需要确切地看见这个切口,”彭博社如是说。The cutout is noticeable during app usage in the middle of the very top of the screen, where the status bar (the area that shows cellular reception, the time, and battery life) would normally be placed, according to the images.图片表明,用户在用于app时能看见坐落于屏幕顶部中间的切口,状态栏(表明蜂窝移动网络、时间和电量的区域)依然置放屏幕顶部,没转变。Instead, the status bar will be split into left and right sides, which some Apple employees call “ears” internally.但是,状态栏不会被分为左右两个部分,公司内部一些苹果员工将这左右两部分叫作 “耳朵”。

Images of recent test devices reveal that the left side of the notch displays the time while the right side shows battery life, WiFi and mobile network connectivity.从新的正式版手机的图片可以显现出,状态栏左半部分表明时间,右半部分表明电量、无线和移动网络连接。Apple has opted to remove the square corners seen on current iPhones in favour of rounded ones, possibly as an homage to the shape of the very first iPhone model, which came out a decade ago in November.苹果公司将现有iPhone机型的直角设计改回圆角设计,或许是糅合了第一代iPhone的设计,第一代iPhone于10年前的11月在英国等地发售。

The iPhone 8s power button will be longer to make it easier to press while holding the phone in one hand.iPhone 8的电源键长度更长,便于单手操作。A taller screen means that the phone will fit six vertical rows of apps, showing 24 icons on each page excluding the dock, a grey bar at the bottom of the screen containing frequently used apps.更长的屏幕意味著除了底部的DOCK栏(屏幕底部的灰色区域,用来摆放常用app),该手机的每个页面需要表明6行app,24个图标。The images show that the dock has been redesigned to match the interface of the one on the iPad version of iOS 11.图片表明,为了需要给定iOS 11版iPad的界面,苹果公司新的设计了DOCK栏。Alongside the new high-end device, Apple plans to release two new additional iPhone models.除了这款新的高端手机,苹果公司还计划公布另外两款新的iPhone机型。

These will use faster processors but will include the same screens as the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.这两款手机使用更慢的处理器,但屏幕仍和iPhone 7 和iPhone 7 Plus一样。They will debut alongside an update Apple TV set-top box and Apple Watch models.它们不会和新的苹果电视机顶盒和苹果手表一起亮相。



