

时间:2024-02-23 05:08:01 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:HONG KONG — Liu Xuelong, a television and documentary producer in Beijing, hasn’t used his television in years. He gets all of his entertainment on his iPhone 6 Plus, where he also taps a plethora of apps to buy plane tickets, pay bills, talk with clients.香港——在北京专门从事电视和纪录片制作工作的刘雪龙(音)多年没有关上过自家的电视机了。

HONG KONG — Liu Xuelong, a television and documentary producer in Beijing, hasn’t used his television in years. He gets all of his entertainment on his iPhone 6 Plus, where he also taps a plethora of apps to buy plane tickets, pay bills, talk with clients.香港——在北京专门从事电视和纪录片制作工作的刘雪龙(音)多年没有关上过自家的电视机了。他的一切娱乐都是在自己的iPhone 6 Plus上展开的。用力页面那上面的大量应用于,他之后可以卖机票、结账,或者与客户交流。

Weixin, a text and messaging app, is among his favorites. “Every morning the first thing I do when I wake up is log onto Weixin to see what new things my friends have shared online overnight,” said Mr. Liu, 25.即时通讯应用于微信是他最喜欢的应用于之一。“每天早上醒来时第一件事,就是登岸微信,想到前一天夜里朋友们在上面共享了些什么,”25岁的刘雪龙说道。

Advertisers increasingly want to be part of Mr. Liu’s digital world — and of the other 527 million people in China with smartphones. Next year companies are expected to spend more money on digital advertising than on television campaigns in China.广告商更加想要转入刘雪龙——以及中国另外5.27亿智能手机用户——所在的那个数字世界。在中国,企业明年在数字广告上的资金投入,预计不会多达电视广告。It is a stark shift from three years ago when nearly half of the advertising dollars went to television and just 14 percent went to digital, according to ZenithOptimedia, an advertising agency. China is also diverging from the United States, where television continues to dominate.广告公司实力传播集团(ZenithOptimedia)称之为,同三年前比起,这是一个根本性改变。

那时候,近一半的广告投放流向了电视,而用作数字领域的广告投放仅有占到14%。中国也正在与电视仍然占有主导地位的美国渐行渐远。“It’s the first time we’ve had an enormous middle class emerge while being digitally connected,” said Jeff Walters, a partner at the Boston Consulting Group in Beijing. “It sets the stage for why digital advertising is so important.”“这是我们首次看见,一个可观的中产阶级的兴起预示着他们与数字领域的密切联系,”波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)派驻北京的合伙人魏杰鸿(Jeff Walters)说道。

“这为数字广告的极端重要性奠下了基础。”With the largest pool of smartphone users in the world, China has become a petri dish for marketers and technology companies alike to test ways to get consumers to buy both online and off.在智能手机用户人数居于世界之最的背景下,中国早已同时沦为了营销和科技公司的试验田,被它们用来测试那些目的更有消费者在线上和线下消费的广告方式。Homegrown social media platforms in China are at the center of the push. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are all blocked in China, giving platforms like Tencent’s Weixin — known as WeChat outside the country — and Sina Weibo an advantage.中国本土的社交媒体平台是这番希望的中心。

Facebook、YouTube和Twitter皆在中国大陆遭屏蔽,让腾讯旗下的微信及新浪旗下的微博占到得先机。Coca-Cola tapped into Weixin’s built-in reader for QR codes, two-dimensional bar codes, to start its Lyric Coke campaign in China. Coke bottles there featured famous Chinese lyrics like “Baby, I’m sorry,” and “I love summer.”可口可乐(Coca-Cola)利用微信内置的二维码扫描器,在中国发动了歌词瓶活动。饼干瓶外面印有了“宝贝对不起”或“我爱人夏天”等知名的中文歌词。

Coca-Cola then encouraged consumers to share a 10-second clip of a song with friends through social media by scanning the QR code on the bottle. Since its start in May, the Coke campaign has generated over three billion views, according to Isobar, the company responsible for the campaign.然后,可口可乐希望消费者通过扫瞄瓶身上的二维码在社交媒体上与朋友共享一段时长10秒的歌曲片段。负责管理这次营销活动的公司安索帕(Isobar)称之为,自5月开始以来,可口可乐歌词瓶早已带给了多达30亿的点击量。

Five years ago, marketers could get away with simply using the same ads they used globally and just translating the message, said Shaun Rein, the founder and managing director of the China Market Research Group. Today, they have to speak to the Chinese dream.中国市场研究集团(China Market Research Group)创始人和董事总经理雷小山(Shaun Rein)回应,五年前,营销机构可以用于和全球市场一样的广告,只要翻译成一下核心信息就行了。但现在,它们必需要贴近中国人的梦想。

“What is happening is that Western brands have to create new aspirations that the Chinese consumer wants,” Mr. Rein added.“目前的情况是,西方品牌一定要建构出有中国消费者拒绝接受的那种新的渴求,”雷小山还说道。In its campaign, Coke used contemporary Chinese pop songs. Ads for North Face, the outdoor wear company, featured images of animals from an African safari, in an effort to appeal to the growing legions of Chinese travelers.可口可乐在自己的营销活动中利用了中国当代流行歌曲。

户外服饰公司北面(North Face)的广告则主打非洲之旅中的动物图片,以更有规模日渐壮大的中国游客消费群。As in the United States and Europe, advertisers have to learn to adapt to changes in digital landscape, which in China can unfold at breakneck speed.与在美国和欧洲一样,广告商必需学会适应环境数字领域的变化。在中国,这种变化的速度的堪称一日千里。

For several years, the microblogging site Weibo was the most popular forum in China. Much like Twitter, the platform allowed users to broadcast information to any user.在早前的几年时间里,新浪微博仍然是中国最热门的平台。和Twitter很像,它容许用户向任何其他用户公布信息。But last year in an attempt to quiet public debate, the government cracked down on some of the forum’s most prominent verified commentators, nicknamed the Big Vs, accusing microbloggers of spreading false statements and detaining them.然而去年,为了压制公众辩论,政府对新浪微博上部分经过证书的最知名的评论人士采行了严苛措施。这些又称“大V”的微博用户被指传播欺诈消息,并遭逮捕。

This prompted some Weibo users to leave the site. At the same time, Weixin was quickly gaining popularity as free alternative to text messaging.这促成一些用户离开了新浪微博。与此同时,作为一种可以替换短信的免费工具,微信的人气攀升。Weixin is now the most popular forum in China. Weixin and its international version WeChat together have 468 million active users. Weibo has 167 million active users today.微信是中国目前最热门的平台,国内版和国际版共计4.68亿活跃用户。新浪微博则是眼下享有1.67亿活跃用户。

“I’ve been here four years. In that time I’m now on the third dominant social network — first it was Renren, then Weibo and now it’s WeChat,” said Chris Jones, the executive creative director at the ad agency Wunderman in China.“我来了中国四年,先后用于过三种主要的社交网络——趁此机会人人,然后是新浪微博,现在是微信,”伟门广告公司(Wunderman)中国区继续执行创新总监钟志勤(Chris Jones)说道。Weixin’s particular quirk — that users communicate only with friends and contacts within their circle — has allowed companies to develop direct relationships with consumers. But it also poses a challenge since users have to first choose to include a brand within their Weixin network.微信的类似之处在于,用户不能跟圈子内部的朋友和熟人交流。这让企业可以与消费者创建必要的联系。

不过,它也包含了一个挑战,因为用户有权要求否把某个品牌重新加入自己的微信平台。The fashion house Burberry worked its way into consumers’ circles by giving users a chance to watch its Autumn-Winter 2014 runway show in real time, along with commentary from designers and celebrities watching the show. To get access to the show, users just had to add Burberry’s public account to their Weixin network.时尚品牌博柏利(Burberry)转入消费者圈子的方法,是让用户有机会动态观赏2014年的秋冬时装秀,以及设计师和名人对它的评论。为了观赏这场活动,用户必需把博柏利的公众号重新加入微信。

Once Burberry is in their network, the fashion house can target users directly in the future. One interactive feature prompts users to click on “My Burberry” and type out their initials. An image of a monogrammed bottle of perfume then appears, along with details of how to buy it.一旦转入了消费者的朋友圈,博柏利从此之后就可以必要对准目标用户群。博柏利还获取了一个对话功能:用户可以页面“My Burberry”,输出自己名字的首字母。然后,屏幕上就不会经常出现一瓶印上首字母文字字的香氛,以及如何出售它的明确信息。

Not all digital ad campaigns in China have gone smoothly. One Chinese company called Tidy Laundry recently tried to stir up some attention online with a video posted to Youku Tudou, a Chinese streaming video site. In the video, two young women strip down to their underwear on the Shanghai metro. A man wearing a blue uniform then enters the subway car and hands them a clean set of clothes, which they change into. The Shanghai police fined the company, according to state media.并非所有中国市场上的网络营销都进展成功。中国公司泰笛洗净最近曾企图通过在流媒体视频公司优酷土豆的网站上公布一则视频来更有注目。在视频中,两名年长女子在上海的地铁里脱下了层层衣物,最后只剩内衣。

一名穿著蓝色穿著的男子随后转入地铁车厢,拿着她们一套整洁的衣服,让她们披上。据官方媒体报道,上海警方对这家公司判处了罚款。Televisions and other more traditional advertising venues also play a complementary role in the digital world.电视和其他一些更为传统的广告手段也对互联网广告营销起着了补足起到。This year, Oreo began Play Together, a campaign that riffed on the idea that children don’t spend enough time with their parents, a subject of debate in China. Collaborating with Weixin, Oreo created an app that allowed parents and their children to take photos and turn them into playful emoticons to send to friends.今年,奥利奥(Oreo)启动了“亲子一刻玩起来”的营销活动,启发来自于父母和子女共处时间严重不足的问题——这是中国当下的热门话题。

奥利奥与微信合作发售了一款应用于,使得家长和孩子可以用它来摄制照片,然后把它们变为有意思的表情符号发送给朋友们。The campaign also featured a television ad for the Weixin campaign in which a mother and her daughter play together and share a bag of Oreos. As part of the media blitz, it used celebrity dads from the popular reality television show called “Father, Where Are You Going?” to promote the campaign through their own microblogs.本轮营销中还发售了一则宣传微信活动的电视广告。


Television, too, helps bridge the generational gap. Even though Chinese consumers are highly connected, not everybody is getting the messages that brands are sending.而且,电视也有助调和代沟。虽然中国的消费者网际网路程度低,但品牌企图传送的讯息也并非需要认识到所有人。

Mr. Liu’s father is one of them. Mr. Liu bought a Samsung smartphone for his father, who lives in Weifang, a city in Shandong Province, and taught him how to use Weixin so that they could video-chat.刘雪龙的父亲就是其中之一。刘雪龙给住在山东潍坊的父亲买了一部三星手机,并教教他如何用于微信,期望可以和他视频聊天。

But it could be a while before his father gets the hang of Weixin, Mr. Liu said. “I am the only friend in his Weixin contact list, actually.”不过,刘雪龙说道,要让父亲确实学会用于微信,有可能还必须一段时间。“只不过,我是他微信上唯一的联系人。



