

时间:2024-02-13 05:08:01 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:Amazon is offering its corporate customers the option of running internet services and holding data in Germany as it addresses concerns from European businesses about the threat of online spying in the US.亚马逊(Amazon)相反企业用户获取在德国运营互联网服务及留存数据的选项,这是为了应付欧洲企业对美国网络间谍活动的忧虑。

Amazon is offering its corporate customers the option of running internet services and holding data in Germany as it addresses concerns from European businesses about the threat of online spying in the US.亚马逊(Amazon)相反企业用户获取在德国运营互联网服务及留存数据的选项,这是为了应付欧洲企业对美国网络间谍活动的忧虑。The retailer’s cloud computing arm has unveiled plans to build centres in Frankfurt as businesses and governments in continental Europe have been increasingly alarmed at revelations of internet surveillance, exposed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.这家零售商的云计算部门发布了在法兰克福创建数据中心的计划。

对于美国国家安全局(NSA)告密者爱德华斯诺登(Edward Snowden)有关互联网监听活动的爆料,欧洲大陆的企业和政府日益深感混乱。US and UK security services were shown to be capable of breaking into the networks of the US’s leading technology companies, while there was uproar over revelations that the personal phone of German chancellor Angela Merkel had been tapped. European companies hoping to gain some protection from this surveillance have demanded that data be held on servers within the EU, which is seen to have stricter data protection laws than elsewhere in the world. This is particularly the case in Germany, which has powerful online privacy watchdogs.从爆料内容看,美国和英国的安全部门能入侵美国主要技术公司的网络,同时德国总理安格拉默克尔(Angela Merkel)的个人手机被曝遭监听,引起轩然大波。

期望针对这种监听取得一些维护的欧洲企业拒绝将数据存储在欧盟(EU)境内的服务器上。欧盟被视作世界上数据保护法律最严苛的地区,德国特别是在如此,该国另设权力很大的网络隐私监督机构。Andy Jassy, senior vice-president of Amazon Web Services, said the decision was because of the “cultural preferences” of companies in the region. “We have thousands of German customers and a number of those customers have told us that they would like to move their workload and data to AWS, but can’t do so until we have infrastructure here in Germany.” Previously, enterprises hoping to build their web operations using Amazon’s pay-as-you-go infrastructure would have used the company’s data centres in Ireland or nine other locations outside the EU.亚马逊网站服务 (Amazon Web Services,全称AWS)高级副总裁安迪雅西(Andy Jassy)称之为,作出这个要求是因为欧洲企业的“文化偏爱”。

“我们有成千上万的德国客户,其中一些客户告诉他我们,他们期望能将工作量和数据移往到AWS平台,但只有当我们在德国享有基础设施后他们才不会这样做到。”此前,期望用于这个按使用量收费的基础设施平台来展开web运作的企业,必须用于亚马逊设于爱尔兰或者欧盟以外地点的9个数据中心。Research suggests that US-based cloud providers may be losing business to overseas competitors because of alarm at online snooping. Last year, a report from think-tank the Information Technology Innovation Foundation found US cloud companies could lose $35bn by 2016 because of this trend.研究指出,网络监控引起的混乱有可能使坐落于美国的云服务提供商被海外竞争者偷走业务。

去年,智库“信息技术创意基金会”(Information Technology and Innovation Foundation)的一份报告表明,到2016年,这种趋势有可能使美国的云服务企业损失350亿美元。Aaron Levie, chief executive of Box, said his cloud enterprise company was looking at creating bespoke services built on data centres in Europe. But he argued that improved encryption and security were a better way to convince European groups to trust US tech providers. “The Snowden issue has obviously prompted more caution.”云服务提供商Box的首席执行官阿龙利维(Aaron Levie)回应,Box在考虑到相结合欧洲的数据中心获取自定义服务。但他指出,要劝说欧洲企业信任美国技术提供商,提高加密和安全性技术是更佳的办法。

“斯诺登事件似乎促成人们更加小心。”Amazon does not disclose figures for its AWS business. But Macquarie Capital estimates the unit’s revenues will rise from $5.3bn this year to $8.1bn in 2015.亚马逊并不发布AWS业务的详尽业绩。但据麦格理资本(Macquarie Capital)的估计,该业务的收益将从今年的53亿美元升到2015年的81亿美元。



