
米乐mile官网:大苹果供不应求 iPad Pro推迟生产计划

时间:2024-02-06 05:08:01 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:Apple is believed to have delayed plans to produce a 12.9inch iPad Pro so it can keep up with demand for its 5.5inch iPhone 6 plus handset.据报,苹果延期12.9英寸的iPad Pro的生产计划,以确保符合5.5英寸的iPhone 6 plus的市场需求。

Apple is believed to have delayed plans to produce a 12.9inch iPad Pro so it can keep up with demand for its 5.5inch iPhone 6 plus handset.据报,苹果延期12.9英寸的iPad Pro的生产计划,以确保符合5.5英寸的iPhone 6 plus的市场需求。The firm confirmed it sold more than 10 million iPhone 6 units during the launch weekend, with recent estimates suggesting it may have sold more than 21 million units in the first two weeks - with over 4 million iPhone 6 units reserved in China.苹果公司证实,它在iPhone6上市后首个周末卖出1000多万部大苹果,近期估算表明,它有可能在头两个星期卖出多达2100万部,其中中国地区预约量多达400万部。It is believed the larger model, the 6 Plus, has proved more popular than expected, causing manufacturers to scramble to produce enough screens.大屏的iPhone 6 Plus被普遍认为确比预期更加热门,造成制造商应急生产充足多的屏幕。

The top priority for the supply chain is to meet the overwhelming demand for the larger screen iPhones, a source told the Wall Street Journal.一位消息人士告诉他华尔街日报:“供应链最优先考虑到的事情是符合大屏iPhone手机的极大市场需求。”The output of the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus remains unsatisfactory, an unidentified person familiar with Apples supply chain said.一位熟知苹果供应链的未知身份人士回应:“5.5英寸的iPhone 6 Plus的生产量依然无法令人满意。”It would be challenging for display makers to split resources and spend a few months to ramp up production for a new larger screen iPad now.“对于显示屏制造商来说,合并资源,花上几个月的时间来加快一个新的更大屏幕的iPad的生产,将是具备挑战性的事情。

”Everyone is busy with the new iPhones, Foxconns bread and butter. Chairman [Terry Gou] has also gone to the Zhengzhou site to monitor the production closely, a Foxconn official said.一位富士康负责人回应:“每个人都正忙着生产新的iPhone手机,这是富士康的核心业务。主席[郭台铭]还去了郑州产地紧密监控生产。”At the Zhengzhou plant alone, more than 200,000 workers are making iPhone 6 units — overall, Foxconn has well over 1 million workers.仅有在郑州工厂,就有20多万工人正在生产iPhone 6手机——富士康总体享有多达百万的工人。The bigger 12.9-inch iPad Pro tablet was supposed to enter production in December, it has been claimed.据信,更大的12.9英寸的iPad Pro平板电脑应当在12月份投入生产。



