
【米乐mile官网】移动广告业务抢眼 Facebook营收飙升

时间:2024-02-01 05:08:01 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:After taking two months off to spend time with his newborn daughter, Mark Zuckerberg is back to business. And business is good.毕了两个月产假来陪伴刚出生的女儿之后,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)重返工作。

After taking two months off to spend time with his newborn daughter, Mark Zuckerberg is back to business. And business is good.毕了两个月产假来陪伴刚出生的女儿之后,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)重返工作。事实证明,做生意十分地兴旺。On Wednesday, Mr. Zuckerberg’s company, Facebook, reported another quarter of soaring revenue. Sales rose 52 percent from a year earlier to $5.84 billion on the strength of its mobile advertising business and an increase in daily users. Profit rose to $1.56 billion, more than doubling from a year earlier.本周三,扎克伯格的公司Facebook发布季报,营收再行一次攀升。


The numbers far surpassed Wall Street’s expectations of $1.2 billion in profit on $5.37 billion in revenue.这些数字相比之下远超过了华尔街预期的53.7亿美元营收、12亿美元利润。Investors welcomed the blockbuster results. Facebook’s shares, which closed at $94.45 in regular trading, jumped in after-hours trading.投资者对这一亮眼业绩反应冷淡。Facebook的股价当天收于94.45美元,并在盘后交易中大幅度攀升。Facebook’s results offer a bright spot in a tumultuous climate for many American technology stocks. Shares of Twitter, Facebook’s most visible social networking competitor in the United States, have tumbled more than 55 percent over the last year. Yelp, the local-review service, is down around 60 percent. LinkedIn, the professional social networking service, is off about 19 percent.在许多美国科技股境遇不佳的大环境下,Facebook的业绩获取了一个亮点。


Unlike its contemporaries, however, Facebook enjoys regular visitor numbers and revenue growth that show no signs of stumbling. Facebook now has 1.59 billion monthly visitors, up 14 percent from a year earlier. Some 1.44 billion of those people visit the site from a mobile device; 1.04 billion visit Facebook every day.与同类服务想要比,Facebook的日常采访人数和收益快速增长没丝毫的低迷迹象。Facebook目前享有每月15.9亿参观者,同比快速增长14%。其中约14.4亿人用于移动设备采访这一网站;更加有10.4亿人每天都会拜访。

The numbers do not include the hundreds of millions of people who regularly use Instagram, the photo-sharing app, and WhatsApp, the messaging service, which are also owned by Facebook.这些数据并没还包括Facebook公司旗下的Instagram和WhatsApp享有的数亿常客。Instagram是一款共享照片的应用于,而WhatsApp获取即时通讯服务。

“Our community continued to grow and our business is thriving,” Mr. Zuckerberg said in a statement. “We continue to invest in better serving our community, building our business and connecting the world.”“我们的社区持续增长,我们的业务欣欣向荣,”扎克伯格在声明中回应。“在更佳地服务我们的社区、打造出我们的业务并联通全世界方面,我们将之后投放。



