
带上我的眼睛去旅行: 谷歌眼镜迎来日本挑战者‘米乐mile官网’

时间:2024-01-17 05:08:02 文章作者:米乐mile官网 点击:

本文摘要:Japanese entrepreneur Takahito Iguchi wants people to see the world through other people’s eyes. But as a less ambitious jumping off point, he’ll kick it off with a world that looks like a Japanese manga cartoon. His device, called the Telepathy One, is the closest thing I’ve seen under development yet to Google’s Glass gadget, and at an event in New York City on Tuesday night, Iguchi and his team showed off prototypes (two working and several others just mockups) of the wearable image-streaming glasses to the media.日本企业家井口尊然期望人们能通过别人的眼睛来看世界。

Japanese entrepreneur Takahito Iguchi wants people to see the world through other people’s eyes. But as a less ambitious jumping off point, he’ll kick it off with a world that looks like a Japanese manga cartoon. His device, called the Telepathy One, is the closest thing I’ve seen under development yet to Google’s Glass gadget, and at an event in New York City on Tuesday night, Iguchi and his team showed off prototypes (two working and several others just mockups) of the wearable image-streaming glasses to the media.日本企业家井口尊然期望人们能通过别人的眼睛来看世界。不过他的第一款产品并不那么有野心,通过它看世界,整个世界看上去类似于日本卡通漫画。在我目前见过的正处于研发阶段的产品中,这个取名为“心电感应1号”的产品是最相似谷歌眼镜(Google Glass)的一款。本周二晚上,在纽约的一场活动上,井口尊然和他的团队向媒体展出了这款眼镜的原型机,它可以用来传输图像(其中两台是实物,其它几台是实物模型)。

Like with Google Glass, users wear the Telepathy One on their heads, in front of the eye and wrapped around the ears. Telepathy actually has ear buds that fit into the ears, so you can presumably hear audio functionality when they add it in.像谷歌眼镜一样,用户可以把“心电感应1号”戴着在头上,然后把眼镜腿悬挂在耳朵上。“心电感应1号”还配上了一幅耳机,因此可以推断,未来它应当不会在产品中加到音频功能。

Unlike with Google Glass, the Telepathy One has an optically projected small screen in front of the eye of the wearer, and a cell phone app controlled by the partner captures the images that the wearer sees in a tiny screen. The Telepathy team said the device will also be able to take photos or videos from the headset and stream those images to the partner’s cell phone app, but the prototype didn’t yet have that functionality.与谷歌眼镜有所不同,“心电感应1号”在眼镜前方有一个光学投影的小屏幕,另一个人通过一款手机应用于,可以将摄制的图像传输到眼镜的小屏幕上,呈现出在配戴者眼前。“心电感应1号”团队回应,这款设备还可以通过眼镜必要摄制照片或视频,然后把这些图像传输到另一个人的手机应用于上,不过目前原型机上还没这些功能。

Iguchi emphasized that he wants the Telepathy One to enable users to share what they’re seeing with their loved ones. “You feel the love when your loved one is standing beside you,” said Iguchi, who flew in from Tokyo days before and half the time spoke to the group in English and half the time spoke in Japanese using an interpreter. The core functionality of the Telepathy One is the social sharing of experiences in real time between people over distance, explained Iguchi. He pointed out that this is in contrast to some of the more open-ended apps that will come out of Google Glass.井口尊然特别强调,他期望“心电感应1号”可以让用户跟所爱的人共享所见的景象。他说道:“当你爱人的人站在你旁边的时候,你不会感觉到爱人。

”井口是几天前从东京飞到纽约的,他在演讲时,有一半的时间说道英语,一半的时间说道日语,有一位翻译成在旁边拜托。他说明说道,“心电感应1号”的核心功能就是让身处两地的人们可以动态共享某种体验。他认为,这和谷歌眼镜有可能用于的某些开放性的应用于构成了鲜明对比。The first app that the Telepathy One will use is the Manga Camera app, which is a popular app in Japan that’s gotten 6 million downloads. For the demo, I put the headset on and the Telepathy team took photos of people around me, and the Manga-versions of those people streamed to the little projected screen in front of my eye.“心电感应1号”将用于的第一款应用于叫Manga Camara。

这款应用于在日本很风行,早已取得了600万次的下载量。展示过程中,我戴着上了这副眼镜,然后“心灵感应1号”团队的人给我周围的人照片,随后我眼前的小屏幕上就经常出现了这些人的日本漫画形象。Sound a little weird? Well, that’s because it was a little weird.听得一起是不是有点怪异?呃,那是因为它本来就有点怪异。

Seeing a bunch of strangers look like tiny black and white cartoons might not have the same type of pull as, say, seeing your best friend or partner as a goofy manga character. The prototype also wasn’t fitted comfortably enough to be able to see the image very well, so most people that tried the device on ended up holding it with their hand at a certain angle, looking up in an awkward manner, and practically squinting to see the image.看著一群陌生人变为黑白漫画式的小人儿,有可能不如看见好朋友或合作伙伴变为漫画人物更加有喜感。另外这款原型机戴起来也不是很难受,没办法很明晰地喜爱图像。所以大多数试戴过这款设备的人最后被迫把它拿在手里,用一个失望的姿势往里瞄准具,最后完全是眯着眼睛看里边的图像。



